Names Can Define Our Identity

“Names can define our identity,” quipped Prof. Maria Ana Diaz.

We are identified by our names, including nicknames, middle names, first names, and surnames. Have you ever thought about how someone subconsciously perceives our name when they hear or read it? Do they perceive us positively or negatively? I’m always puzzled by these questions. What do you think when you hear the name Peter?

Everyone’s life has been shaped by names. Names have always been part of everyone’s life.

In our class, we did an activity last August 9th, 2018 to help us get to know eachother better. We asked our groups about their names and shared the details, such as origin, why they are named that way, a story behind them, or any cultural or personal significance. Shaira Danielle Airica and I are all in the same group. In listening to the stories of each person, I got to know them better. It was more than just their names.

Shai is a name that many people call her. She said it suits her very well. She was a little shy at first but she became more confident as we continued our conversation. Shai turned out to have a lot more personality than I imagined. She’s shy, yes, but she is also funny and bubbly.

Danielle chose the name Danielle because Eunice was too girly for her. Danielle suits Danielle’s personality, which is independent and strong.

Airica is also called Ikay and has an intense personality. She is always smiling back at me. Airica is a name she doesn’t like because, to her, it’s a slanged variant of Erika. This she thinks is an unnecessary thing. I think Ikay is an apt nickname for her. She’s easygoing and fun.

For me, the name I have represents my triple “power”. My name comes from three men in my family. Peter Denmarck, derived from the names of my grandfather Pedro and my father Dennis. Marck comes from Marcos’s other grandfather. I am both strong and perseverant, as well as humble. Peter, the Biblical name for “the rock”, was also named after the first Roman Catholic pontiff, St. Peter. My parents probably wanted me to be a good person and to live up to St. Peter’s ideals.

It is for a good reason that we are called as we are. It doesn’t matter if we like them or not, we can’t deny that our names have helped us to become who we are today. Our names are somehow a mirror of our personality, beliefs and qualities. You’ll understand what I mean if you examine it.

Our names are more than just a set of codes. They are the essence of who we are. We embrace it and embody its spirit. It is a twin. They reveal our true identity by revealing the things that are most important. It may not always be true, but it can give us the impression that I am telling the truth. Our names can reveal a lot about us.

They may form an impression about us the moment they hear or learn our name. They could be right or wrong. They may be right or wrong. Remember that we’re more than just what people expected. Let’s be proud of our names and our positive personalities so that they are associated with our names when they hear or read them.


  • ernestfarley

    Ernest is a 26-year-old education blogger and teacher who writes about a variety of topics related to teaching and learning. He has a passion for helping others learn and grow, and believes that education should be accessible to everyone. Ernest is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, and he has taught high school students in the United States, Mexico, and Chile.